Tag Archives: Russian Collusion

Trump’s Tweet Storm Draws Even More Attention To ‘Russian Collusion’

(Palm Beach, FL) –  It started around 11 last night with this tweet: Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!stoneman-douglas-shootingAnd that was just the beginning. Since then, Trump has put his focus on Obama yet again and a reverse psychology tactic that is pretty worn out at this point saying Russia is laughing at America. “If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.” He then said Moscow is laughing and urged America to get smart. His comments come of course after more than a dozen Russians were indicted for meddling in the 2016 election.Trump_Putin_04186.jpg-7cc71_c0-156-3725-2327_s885x516THEN he said that he never said that Russia didn’t meddle in the 2016 election noting his comments during his campaign that…“it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.” Trump said the hoax is the idea that his campaign had colluded with Russia.

Naturally it didn’t stop there. Accompanied with the regular insult, Trump then praised Democratic Representative Adam Schiff for putting some of the blame for Russian meddling in the 2016 election on the Obama administration.  “Finally, ‘Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control, is now blaming the Obama administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!” He followed that up with a tweet suggesting Democrats were trying to blame the Obama administration’s response to Russian meddling for Hillary Clinton’s loss. b083d20afffb2d59173c552dd20db466bfcf4c6a

Tired yet? It continued…..Of course it wouldn’t be Trump if he didn’t slam the media. He pointed fingers at news outlets over their coverage of the indictments and for not focusing on how the indictments exonerate his campaign from colluding with Russia. Trump noted it was “funny how the Fake News Media doesn’t want to say that the Russian group was formed in 2014,” long before he decided to run for President. He added, sarcastically, ” Maybe they knew I was going to run even though I didn’t know!” Trump’s critics have accused the President of trying to spin the indictments in his favor, even though he has previously called Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation a hoax.1007145_1_1006-obama-approval_standardAND THEN….HE WENT BACK TO PRESIDENT OBAMA tweeting he’s “never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send one-point-seven Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!”   He’s referring to money delivered to Iran in 2016, which included interest on Iranian money held by the U.S. since the 1970s. Some of the money was given the same day four American prisoners were released from Iranian custody. The Obama White House denied it was a ransom payment but later admitted the money was used as leverage in the prisoner release. The payment was made in cash because Congress had outlawed dollar transfers to Tehran. Iranian media at the time played up the payment as if it were indeed a ransom.

Photo: CNN


Clapper: No Question Russia Tried To Sway Election

(SL) – Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper believes “there are other shoes to drop” following the indictment of more than a dozen Russians for meddling in the 2016 election.

Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Clapper said information could come out later about the direct involvement of the Russian government, or the financial entanglements between Russia and the Trump organization. He said those are issues the special counsel on the Russia investigation could be looking at.

Clapper said there’s no question the Russians were trying to sway the election and that they were trying to sow discord and discontent in the country, as well as hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign and support the Trump campaign. He added that President Trump has failed to speak on what needs to be done to address the Russia threat.

U.S. Grand Jury Indicts 13 Russians For Election-Related Fraud

(Washington, DC) — Thirteen Russian nationals are being indicted for election-related fraud in the 2016 presidential campaign. In a Justice Department news briefing today, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said the defendants waged “information warfare” in the U.S. Rosenstein stressed there is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election. But the effort was definitely there. With damaging releases aimed to tarnish Hillary Clinton’s chances.

Rosenstein said Russians violated U.S. laws to interfere with the American political process.

He noted that the Russians recruited Americans to stage rallies but said the Americans were not aware of the Moscow connection.

A Politico article by Cristiano Lima says,  Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday unveiled an indictment against 13 Russian nationals and three foreign entities on charges relating to the 2016 election meddling.

The indictment, which includes conspiracy to defraud the United States and aggravated identity theft, depicts an elaborate web of initiatives aimed at influencing the presidential race.

Here is a look at some of the most startling findings from the Department of Justice announcement.trump-russia-interactiveRussians paid Trump rally-goers to simulate Clinton jailing

According to the document, the Russian nationals and their associates paid people attending pro-Donald Trump rallies in Florida to carry out numerous “tasks,” including asking one to construct a cage at an event and another to dress up as Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton behind bars.

“Defendants and their co-conspirators asked one U.S. person to build a cage on a flatbed truck and another U.S. person to wear a costume portraying Clinton in a prison uniform,” the indictment read.

Calls for Clinton to be jailed were persistent at Trump rallies throughout 2016, with crowds often breaking out into chants of “Lock her up!” In local reports from 2016 rallies in Florida, rally-goers can be seen staging Clinton displays with caged mannequins.

Continue reading U.S. Grand Jury Indicts 13 Russians For Election-Related Fraud

{Video} Jake Tapper Shuts Down Stephen Miller: “I’ve Wasted Enough Of My Viewers Time.”

(SL) – White House aide Stephen Miller got a hard lesson in sticking to the topic today when he was a guest on CNN Host Jake Tapper’s show.

Miller clearly had an agenda. He wanted to attack CNN and its journalistic views while painting Donald Trump as a genius who can write 10 talking points in less than an hour after hearing a speech and recite them perfectly.

We all know that Donald Trump rarely sticks to the script which is why he finds himself in a contradictory and untruthful position 80 percent of the time. What Miller should’ve done was come prepared to answer questions honestly about Fire and Fury, the book that has become a best seller over night and paints what some say could be an accurate picture of what’s going on inside the White House.

As for whether or not Steve Bannon made certain comments about Donald Trump, Miller had no knowledge but insisted on saying the book was full of lies and trash. Trump’s meeting with the Russians, again no solid answer outside of what his agenda was. On the letter that he wrote to get James Comey released…again no solid answer outside of his agenda.

Tapper like the rest of us had had enough and pulled the plug on the interview. Check it out for yourself

Stewart Calls On AG Sessions To Resign

(Washington, DC) — Another GOP lawmaker is calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign. Utah Republican Chris Stewart told CNN that Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the current Russia probe “weakened” the investigation.

Stewart, who is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said he believes it may be time for Sessions to step aside because he’s unable “to take the reins” and direct the investigation.

A growing list of Republicans have criticized Sessions over his handling of the Justice Department’s probes into Russian meddling in the presidential election.

Insiders Say If Robert Mueller Is Fired, Trump Has To Go

(SL) – Some say it would be a constitutional crisis if Donald Trump decided to fire Robert Mueller. Above and beyond Watergate, the white house has been doing everything in its’ power to get around Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion.

After certain emails on a government server were obtained, many attempted to say the process was illegal.  However, a spokesman for special counsel Robert Mueller  is denying White House accusations that sensitive materials were acquired unlawfully.


Trump lawyer Kory Langhofer said the General Services Administration “unlawfully produced” privileged communications, which Mueller then used as part of his Russia probe. Mueller spokesman Peter Carr tells CNN today, “When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process.”

If Trump is innocent, why does it matter if Mueller has access to the email. The continued efforts by Trump’s team to undermine the investigation points to possible guilt and attempts to hide something. One thing is for sure, there’s only one reason Trump would want Mueller gone and that is to simply keep his secrets safe.

Justice Department Considers Charging Russians For Hacking

(SL) – There are reports that the Justice Department is considering charging Russian government officials with hacking the Democratic National Committee’s computers. “The Wall Street Journal” reports the Department has identified more than a half-dozen Kremlin officials involved in breaching the DNC’s computers during the 2016 presidential campaign. The “Journal” reports investigators have pulled together enough evidence to file charges next year.

On Monday, it came to light that former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was told early last year that Russians had compromising information about then Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Papadopoulos has told investigators that information was said to include thousands of emails.

Larry Flynt Puts Up $10 Million For Information Leading To Unfit Donald Trump’s Impeachment

(SL) – Hustler tycoon Larry Flynt took out a full page ad in the Washington Post Sunday offering $10 million dollars to anyone who has information leading to the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump.

The Daily mail reports, The porn mogul laid out six ‘charges’ against Trump, including colluding with the Russians, inciting violence using ‘racial-dog whistling’ in the aftermath of Charlottesville, having conflicts-of-interest with his business empire, ‘telling hundreds of bold-faced lies,’ ‘gross nepotism’ in the hiring of his family members and ‘sabotaging’ the Paris climate accord.


‘But most worrisome is that, long before climate-change apocalypse strikes, Trump might trigger a nuclear world war,’ Flynt wrote, noting how Trump’s foreign policy decisions are marked by ‘thin-skinned emotion and erratic ill-advised tweets.’

Flynt then referenced an anecdote MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough told viewers in August 2016 – that Trump had asked advisers three times why the U.S. couldn’t use nuclear weapons.

‘Given his impulsive blustering and megalomania (actually equating himself with Lincoln), this is truly horrifying,’ Flynt said.


Flynt, a liberal Democrat who had supported Trump’s rival Hillary Clinton, called on both Democrats and Republicans to come together and choose country over party, pointing out how it had been done before during the Watergate era.

President Richard Nixon ultimately resigned.

Continue reading Larry Flynt Puts Up $10 Million For Information Leading To Unfit Donald Trump’s Impeachment

Donald Trump Jr. Will Testify In Russia Collusion Probe Today

(SL) – It will happen behind closed doors but, DJ is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about a 2016 meeting he attended with a lawyer linked to the Kremlin today.

Donald Trum Jr. attended the meeting in an attempt to get dirt on Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.  USA Today reports,  his testimony was confirmed Wednesday by congressional aides who were not authorized to speak publicly, is part of the panel’s investigation of the 2016 presidential race and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

Trump Jr. discusses the expansion of Trump Hotels on June, 2017, in NY.

The president’s son attended a June 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower along with Paul Manafort, who was Trump’s campaign manager at the time, and Jared Kushner, who is Trump’s son-in-law.

Trump Jr. released emails in July of this year that showed he actively sought damaging information about Clinton from the meeting even after he was told it would come from the Russian government. Trump Jr. has described the meeting as a waste of time, saying it did not yield any useful information for his father’s campaign.

The Judiciary Committee and the Senate and House Intelligence committees are all conducting Russia probes. Special counsel Robert Mueller is leading a separate investigation.

Senate Judiciary Committee staff and some senators will question Trump Jr. in Thursday’s closed session.

Continue reading Donald Trump Jr. Will Testify In Russia Collusion Probe Today