Taking A Child’s Life, Court Rules Against Charlie Gard’s Parents

(SL) – European Court Of Human Rights (ECHR) reportedly is ruling against letting terminally ill Charlie Gard’s parents bring him to the United States for treatment??? Charlie suffers from a rare genetic condition and brain damage.


His parents raised over a million dollars to bring him to America and the European Court allegedly wants to take him off life support and let him ‘die with dignity’. Pulling the plug should be the last option! Give the baby a chance! #CharlieGard

Backstory From The Sun

Who is Charlie Gard?

Charlie Gard is just ten months old, the fight for his life has touched the world.

major fundraising campaign was set up to pay for pioneering treatment in the USA which his mum and dad, Connie and Chris, hoped would save his life.

The tot is in the “terminal stages” of a disease called mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, after both of his parents were unknowingly carrying the faulty gene.

Charlie is said to be one of only 16 people to ever have the condition and his desperate mum and dad have been unable to find a treatment in the UK for him.

Doctors at Great Ormond Street said Charlie should be allowed to die in dignity and applied for permission to have his ventilator switched off.

But his parents and supporters have been fighting for him to be given a final chance, and raised £1.3million so he can be sent to America for treatment.

His dad made a desperate plea with the court to save his son, begging: “He deserves this chance”.

Clutching his son’s toy monkey, Chris Gard told the High Court: “My son is the apple of my eye and I would do anything for him.”

Charlie’s mum and dad say he is a “prisoner” in hospital and Great Ormond Street’s treatment has been “inhuman”.


His devastated parents broke down in tears after revealing their final wish that their little boy would die at home has been denied.

Describing his baby boy as a “trooper” and “soldier”, dad Chris wept as he said: “He will fight to the very end but we’re not allowed to fight for him anymore.

“We can’t even take our own son home to die. We have been denied that.”

Mum Connie said they had always vowed to have Charlie come home if doctors ruled he would no longer be treated

She said: “We chose to take Charlie home to die. That is our last wish, if it went this way, the way that it’s gone.

“We promised out little boy every single day that we would take him home. That is a promise we thought we could keep.”

The couple said they had even offered to pay privately to have Charlie to be returned to their home, to have a bath and sleep in his cot, but had still been refused by the hospital.

What is mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome?

Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome refers to a group of disorders that cause affected tissues to suffer from a significant drop in mitochondrial DNA.

The DNA is found in the mitochondria of cells – an organelle found in most cells in which respiration and energy production occur.

This means, as in Charlie’s case, that sufferers do not get energy to their muscles, kidneys and brain.

MDS is typically fatal in infancy and early childhood.

There is currently no cure but some treatments have shown a reduction in symptoms.

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