That Doesn’t Make It Right: Cardi B Admits To Drugging And Robbing Men To Survive

(New York, NY) – Cardi B may find herself in some trouble after a video surfaced that shows her talking about how she used to drug and rob men back in her stripper days.

In today’s me too climate, one thing is for sure…if she was a guy she would’ve been arrested already.

Not that it helps matters but she took to social media to explain why she did.   Cardi B wrote in an Instagram post yesterday that she isn’t proud of her actions, but had limited options at the time and felt she had to do it in order to make a living. She also said that the men involved were ones she was dating who knew what she was doing.

I personally, don’t believe any guy would agree to be drugged just to be robbed.  For all that, just ask them for the money. **shrugs**


I believe Cardi knows that her actions could result in criminal charges and that’s why she’s contending that the men were aware of what she was doing. HOWEVER, one of Cardi’s alleged victims, Kevin Smith, is telling a different story.

“I was in New York about five years ago training and my trainer suggested we go to a strip club. Normally, I would’ve turned him down but this time I decided to go. So, boom, we go to the strip club and I meet Cardi, I’m feeling her and convinced her to come back to the room with me to have a drink. I’d been drinking already so I had to piss, I slid to the bathroom and came back and finished off my drink. Last thing I remembered was she was twerking on me, music blasting and that was it. The next morning, I saw a used condom on the floor and then I noticed all the cash I had which was about $850, my Louis Vuitton belt and my iPod touch was missing. I tried calling her several times but i soon realized she gave me a google voice number. I know she did it but I couldn’t prove it so I never went to file charges mainly because I did not want my fiancée at the time to know what had happened so I took my ‘L’. I can’t lie, it was certainly traumatizing and as a man, you never want to admit you were taken advantage of. No man wants to say #MeToo” says Smith.

Geno Breaker went on to point out that according to the state of New York, Smith is still within the time frame to press charges.  Smith says he has no plans to press charges.

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