Tag Archives: 10 million for trump impeachment

Larry Flynt Puts Up $10 Million For Information Leading To Unfit Donald Trump’s Impeachment

(SL) – Hustler tycoon Larry Flynt took out a full page ad in the Washington Post Sunday offering $10 million dollars to anyone who has information leading to the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump.

The Daily mail reports, The porn mogul laid out six ‘charges’ against Trump, including colluding with the Russians, inciting violence using ‘racial-dog whistling’ in the aftermath of Charlottesville, having conflicts-of-interest with his business empire, ‘telling hundreds of bold-faced lies,’ ‘gross nepotism’ in the hiring of his family members and ‘sabotaging’ the Paris climate accord.


‘But most worrisome is that, long before climate-change apocalypse strikes, Trump might trigger a nuclear world war,’ Flynt wrote, noting how Trump’s foreign policy decisions are marked by ‘thin-skinned emotion and erratic ill-advised tweets.’

Flynt then referenced an anecdote MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough told viewers in August 2016 – that Trump had asked advisers three times why the U.S. couldn’t use nuclear weapons.

‘Given his impulsive blustering and megalomania (actually equating himself with Lincoln), this is truly horrifying,’ Flynt said.


Flynt, a liberal Democrat who had supported Trump’s rival Hillary Clinton, called on both Democrats and Republicans to come together and choose country over party, pointing out how it had been done before during the Watergate era.

President Richard Nixon ultimately resigned.

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